Quick Facts



The campus is located on the Northern side of Bengaluru city (30 Km from the Airport) on the Hennur-Bagalur Road. 

Former Names

  • Southern Asia Bible Institute
  • Southern Asia Bible College

Our Vision

Centre for Global Leadership Development

Centre for Global Leadership Development is a premier institution of the Assemblies of God established to prepare women and men to serve God as servant-leaders.

Founded in Bangalore in the year 1951 with the name Southern Asia Bible Institute, today CGLD is the comprehensive name that includes

  • Southern Asia Bible College
  • Global School of Open Learning
  • Global School of Counselling
  • CGLD School of Counselling
  • Global School Media and Arts.

and continues to serve the need of developing leaders for transforming ministry of the church in the pentecostal tradition. 

Our Mission

To develop servant leaders who are Christlike in character and lifestyle for the Church and the marketplace through quality residential and open education. 


In order to expand its reach, CGLD has initiated starting annexe campuses in strategic locations both in India and in surrounding nations. 

The first CGLD Annexe has begun functioning in Assam. The Huldah Buntain Theological College in Rani, Assam is close to the Guwahati airport and is a beautiful campus developed by the Assemblies of God of East India.

In the coming years, we anticipate starting campuses in New Delhi, Punjab, Telengana, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Huldah Buntain Theological College

Huldah Buntain Theological College (HBTC)  is the regional Institution of the Assemblies of God of East India. It is founded in the August 2022 in Mairapur, Assam a beautiful suburb of Guwahati city. 

CGLD in collaboration with AG East India has launched the CGLD Annexe at HBTC. Presently B.Th., M.A., and M.Div., degrees are offered at HBTC and are accredited by ATA through CGLD.

Assembly of God Central Bible College

Central Bible College (AGCBC) was founded in 1982 and serves as one of the premier theological institutions of the Assemblies of God in North India. The CBC new campus is under development and will soon be available for increased enrolment.

Since 2023, in collaboration with the AGCBC, CGLD has launched the CGLD Annexe in New Delhi. The B.Th., M.A., and M.Div. degrees offered at CBC campus are accredited by the ATA through CGLD.

HBTC (North East)

CBC (North)

APBC (Telangana)

PAGBC  (Punjab)